Homeschool Programming
Homeschool PE and Art
Join us for 10 weeks of Physical Education and Art for your
homeschool students aged 5- 18!
10 weeks PE only: $70 per child
10 weeks Art only: $70 per child
10 weeks for both: $120 per child
Single drop in fee for PE only: $10 per child
There is a 10% discount for additional students in the same household.
Program can include the following programs:
Functional Body Movement: includes basic introduction to movements including jumping, landing, pushing, pulling, rolling, twisting, weight transfer/balance, curling and stretching.
Swim Classes including stroke developments and aquatic workouts.
Dance and Aerobics classes.
Kicking Sports including but not limited to Soccer and Kickball.
Hand Sports including but not limited to Volleyball, Basketball, Football and Wall Ball
Object Striking Sports including but not limited to Baseball, Pickleball, Tennis, Racquetball and Table Tennis.
Fall Session 2024
Registration: Through August 23rd
September 3rd- November 5th
Every Tuesday
Art: 10- 11 AM, Snacks will be provided at the end of class
PE: 11- 12 PM
Excelsior Springs Community Center
500 Tiger Drive, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024